"3. Teilhabekongress": Lectures by Dr. Tomke S. Gerdes and JProf. Dr. Lena Hünefeld

In an individual presentation, Dr. Tomke S. Gerdes presented results of an explorative study: "Berufliche Rehabilitation und Teilhabe in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie aus Sicht von professionellen Akteur*innen" ("Vocational rehabilitation and participation in times of the Covid 19 pandemic from the perspective of professional actors") sheds light on the pandemic situation in vocational rehabilitation facilities between spring 2020 and summer 2022. Students of the faculty were involved in the data collection. The uncovered resources as well as hurdles for the implementation of vocational rehabilitation during lockdowns and opening phases reveal important insights for the future design of rehabilitation and participation.
In the research and ideas workshop "Herausforderungen und Lösungen bei der Gewinnung und Bindung von Zielgruppen in der partizipativen Forschung zu Teilhabe an Arbeit" ("Challenges and solutions in recruiting and retaining target groups in participatory research on participation in work"), which was hosted by the „AG Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben des Aktionsbündnis Teilhabeforschung e.V.“, JProf. Dr. Lena Hünefeld and Dr. Tomke S. Gerdes presented "Partizipationsmöglichkeiten bei großzahligen quantitativen Befragungen" ("Participation possibilities in large-scale quantitative surveys"). The background is the research project on the recording of the work situation of people with impairments(https://www.baua.de/DE/Forschung/Forschungsprojekte/f2540.html).
Christoph Burzlaff and Sophie Teborg also traveled to Cologne as participants of the conference.