Human and Computer 2024

At this year's MuC (2024), we were able to share various research results and current work in progress with the human-machine interaction community. In two short papers, we presented challenges in field access to hybrid work realities( and the importance and impact of content awareness in the hybrid office (
We also reported on neurodivergence and the use of these tools( in a workshop we co-organized on accessibility in collaborative text editing tools (DOI: 10.18420/muc2024-mci-ws10-116), and presented on the rehabilitation science view of usability methods in another workshop (
Christoph Burzlaff was a panelist at the panel discussion "The State of (In)Accessibility in Academia". In an inspiring round, the question of how (in)accessible the academic world is from different perspectives was discussed.
The conference "Human and Computer" in Karlsruhe provided a very inspiring setting to present the results on hybrid working practices and informal knowledge exchange and to hold numerous valuable discussions.